Wednesday, September 25


Reading Time: 2 minutes

I was raised Catholic and have been practicing all my life, including Mass every Sunday. In August of 2021, I started attending the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) also known as the Tridentine Latin Mass.

Yesterday I went to Confession for the second time in a month. I confessed the last of my old serious sins (in the faith, we call them mortal sins). I also confessed a couple minor new sins. Afterwards I felt at peace and completely worthy to receive the Body of Christ. It’s deeply humbling and embarrassing. And I am still a work in progress. Salvation requires work.

I have no doubt whatsoever our priests are authorized to forgive sins and change the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. Their authority comes from the Church which traces it beginnings to the Apostles, who received the Holy Ghost at Pentecost. The Apostles received their authority from Jesus Himself. Catholic priests have direct Apostolic succession, especially the Traditional ones. They are the Priesthood of Jesus Christ.

This same authority also gives Exorcists the power to expel demons from possessed people. All priestly authority goes back to the rites and prayers passed down from Christ, his Apostles, and the Church Fathers. This deposit of faith has been handed down for 2,000 years.

I highly recommend going to Confession but only if you’re ready to leave your serious sins behind and change your life for the better.

Confession by Manuel Ojeda y Siles

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