Wednesday, September 25

Tag: COVID-19

Was Trump Vaccinated?
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Was Trump Vaccinated?

Donald Trump is a draft dodger who hid in the White House's underground bunker two weeks ago, fearing the protesters outside his gates. In 2017, he admitted to being a germaphobe. Many would agree that he's one of the most cowardly and fearful men to ever be president. Yet despite his phobia of germs and despite his fears in general, Trump was still shaking hands with both friends and strangers alike into March of this year. This was despite warnings from health experts that hand shaking should be avoided because it increases the risk of COVID-19 infection. Source: Trump was Vaccinated And despite Trump being very aware of COVID-19's potential spread in the US, he and Mike Pence attended the Conservative Political Action Conference at the end of February where ...
Enjoy It While It Lasts: Gas Prices Have Already Bottomed
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Enjoy It While It Lasts: Gas Prices Have Already Bottomed

On New Year's Day, gas prices in California averaged about $3.59 a gallon. Through January and February, prices drifted down a little. But during the week of March 10th, the world started to change. Panic over the COVID-19 pandemic set in. On March 19th, Governor Gavin Newsom issued a statewide "Stay at Home" order to all 40 million California residents. From this point on through May 8th, only essential businesses such as grocery stores, pharmacies, and gas stations remained open. Everything else closed. Professional sports were canceled. The people of California, the world's fifth largest economy, almost completely stopped driving for nearly two months. Demand for gasoline sunk and this set in motion a subsequent drop in gas prices. (adsbygoogle = windo...
LA County’s COVID-19 Cases Have Reached New Peaks

LA County’s COVID-19 Cases Have Reached New Peaks

This blog previously posted about LA County's COVID-19 cases peaking on April 4th. This was based on the County's daily press releases reporting new infections. The Department of Public Health publishes these on their website. On April 4th, the County reported 711 new cases. After that, new cases started trending downward, although the daily numbers varied widely through April 20th. On April 20th, new cases rocketed into the quadruple digits hitting 1,491. Ironically, that was the same day this blog posted about the previous peak. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); In the following days, the number of new cases stayed in the quadruple digits before falling to 607 on April 25th. After hitting a low of 440 on April 26, the number...
LA County’s COVID-19 Cases May Have Peaked

LA County’s COVID-19 Cases May Have Peaked

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has been reporting new cases of COVID-19 cases and deaths almost daily since March 4th. The Department reports these numbers through press releases posted on their website. From March 4th to the 13th, the number of new cases reported were in the single digits. From March 14th through the 22nd, the cases climbed into the double digits. Since March 23rd through today, new cases reported have jumped into the triple digits. In early April, the number rocketed into the mid triple digits and peaked at 711 new cases reported on April 4th. Since then, the numbers have jumped around but appear to be heading down. LA County reported its first death from COVID-19 on March 11th. Ten days passed before it reported the secon...