Wednesday, September 25

Tag: politics

How Bad Does It Have to Get Before Ideologues Get It?

How Bad Does It Have to Get Before Ideologues Get It?

On Tuesday, August 11th, Presidential Candidate Joe Biden (D) selected U.S. Senator Kamala Harris for his Vice Presidential running mate. Immediately, Trumpists and socialists alike went on the the attack. In response to those on the far ends of the spectrum, I offer the following. For some people, politics is an abstraction. Their zealous ideology blinds them from how bad things really are. They can’t see others who are suffering under the cruelty of the Trump presidency. There are many suffering, documented and undocumented alike. Democrat candidates and the Democratic Party are the only ones with a chance at replacing the Trump administration at this present time. Yet left-wing ideologues are so rigid they demand perfection. Ideologues will point to flaws in Biden and Harr...