Wednesday, September 25

Was Trump Vaccinated?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Donald Trump is a draft dodger who hid in the White House’s underground bunker two weeks ago, fearing the protesters outside his gates. In 2017, he admitted to being a germaphobe. Many would agree that he’s one of the most cowardly and fearful men to ever be president.

Yet despite his phobia of germs and despite his fears in general, Trump was still shaking hands with both friends and strangers alike into March of this year. This was despite warnings from health experts that hand shaking should be avoided because it increases the risk of COVID-19 infection.

Source: Trump was Vaccinated

And despite Trump being very aware of COVID-19’s potential spread in the US, he and Mike Pence attended the Conservative Political Action Conference at the end of February where they both shook hands with many attendees. It was later reported that one attendee who tested positive shortly after the conference had in fact shook hands with both Trump and Pence.

More recently, multiple White House staffers became infected yet both Trump and Pence refused to self-quarantine. And most notoriously, Trump and Pence refuse to wear masks in public. All of this begs the question: Why are they so careless when it comes to protecting themselves, not to mention others?

Is it possible that both Trump and Pence were vaccinated against COVID-19? Southern California based documentarian John Hankey explores this question in his new upcoming film. Below is a preview. The full length version will be released July 4th.

The full length version will be available on Vimeo. Pre-order here.

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